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Please contact us if interested in the full text of any the following publications:


"Extrusion Performance of High Molecular Weight Linear Low Density Polyethylene"

SPE International Polyolefins Conference (1995)

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"Twin Screw Extruder and Continuous Mixer Rate Limitations"

SPE ANTEC Technical Papers, 49, 327 (2003)

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"Troubleshooting Underwater Pelletizing Processes"

SPE ANTEC Technical Papers, 49, 241 (2003)

click to view Abstract


"High Melt Strength (HMS) PE-100 Pipe Resin"

SPE International Polyolefins Conference (2007)

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"Influence of Particle Size on Melting and Energy Consumption during Compounding:

Does the Effect hold at Scaled-Up Conditions?"

SPE ANTEC Technical Papers, 53, 241 (2007)

click to view Abstract


"Computational Fluid Dynamics Model of Viscous Droplet Breakup"

Chemical Engineering Sciences, 64, 4543-4552 (2009)

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"Enhanced Properties of Thermoplastic Halogen Free Flame Retardant Compounds via

On-Line Low Energy Electron Beam Irradiation"

60th International Wire & Cable and Connectivity Conference (2011)

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"Pressure Rise Tests for Detecting Particles in Polymers"

SPE ANTEC Technical Papers, 60, 1196 (2014)

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